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What is the difference between the various types of cork rolls and cork sheets?

Composition cork rolls and sheets are perhaps the most versatile of all cork products. Different cork grain sizes create composition cork rolls and cork sheets in grades and appearances to satisfy specific purposes and uses:

BB13 Composition Cork Rolls are rolls of cork designed for use as economically priced bulletin board material.

BB14 Composition Cork Roll is a high end material ideally suited for bulletin board use, wall coverings and certain silk screening applications.

QuietCork™ is available either as rolled cork or cork sheets. QuietCork™ underlay is used as an effective sound deadening underlayment beneath ceramic and hardwood flooring.

CR117 is a fine grain composition cork material available in sheets. This sheet cork is suitable for bulletin board, coaster, silk screening or gasket applications.

Linocork is a fine grained cork roll material with natural linseed oil and rosin binder secured to natural jute backing. Linocork rolls are commonly used as bulletin boards, pin boards and tackboards.

Semi Rigid Insulation Cork sheets have excellent heat/cold insulation properties. They also can simultaneously function as wall/ceiling tiles and tackboards.

Self-Adhesive cork rolls are available in different colors (blue, black, red, white, natural). These rolls are reinforced and self-healing with a self-adhesive backing for easy installation. Most commonly used for bulletin boards or cork wall coverings.

Dry Erase Wall Coverings make almost any surface a dry erase/white board. This clever wall covering is easily cut to cover whatever surface you choose - table, wall, conference room.